growth order

精品项目网 2024-05-16 17:59:44




1)growth order,[增长]级

2)the order of growth,增长级

3)growth order,增长级

4)order of growth,增长级



7)limit to growth,增长级限

8)iterated order,迭代增长级

9)normal growth,正规增长级

10)growth pole spatial development,增长级开发


It is concluded that the order of growth and convergence of the two kinds of bi-random Taylor series are the same.


In this paper,the growth and of the random Taylor series in the plane are studied,and under certain conditions,comes the important results:the order of growth on a radius is the same as the plane a.


Then it draws some conditions that the order of growth on a radius is the same as the unit ciricl


The Reasearch on Some Properties of growth order of mermorphic functions;


The relation between the solution to certain linear differential equation of higher order of certain entire function coefficient and small function is studied,obtaining a series of results,such as growth order,zero point,taking small function point.


In this paper,the growth orders of the solutions to the differential equation f(k)+Ak-1f(k-1)+.


Under a given condition, we have gained the result that the order of growth on a line is the same as that on the right half plane.


It is proved that if A(z) has order(2,1;ρ),then the order of growth of nontrivial solution  is(3,1;ρ) and the equation always has a solution  that the exponent of convergence of its zero-sequence is(3,1;ρ) too.


It is found that the stochastic Dirichlet series share common features with the non-random Dirichlet series in order of growth.


This paper deals with the orders and zeros of the solutions of the differential equation f~((k))+A_(k-1)f~((k-1)).


It is proved that every solution f of the above equation is of order 1 and hyper order a positive interger no greater than degQ.


In this paper, we investigate the orders and zeros of the solutions of the differ- ential equation where Ao,… , Ak-1, F are entire functions with finite orders, and Ao,….

在本文中假设微分方程的系数为有限级整函数且满足:对于每个不恒等于零的系数Aj(j为整数且 ),其零点收敛指数小于其增[增长]级,且当 的增[增长]级等于 Ai与 Aj增[增长]级的最大值,以及自由项F为有限级整函数。

In this paper,we study the growth of solution for a certain higher order differential equation: f (k) +(Q 1(z)e P 1(z) +Q 2(z)e P 2(z) )f=P 3(z), where P 1(z)=ζ 1z n+…,P 2(z)=ζ 2z n+…,P 3(z)0 are non constant polynomials,and Q 1(z),Q 2(z) are entire functions which have order less then n.

研究了k(≥ 2 )阶线性微分方程f(k) +(Q1(z)eP1(z) +Q2 (z)eP2 (z) )f=P3(z)的解的增[增长]级 ,其中P1(z) =ζ1zn+… ,P2 (z) =ζ2 zn+…为非常数多项式 ,P3(z)为非零多项式 ,Q1(z) ,Q2 (z)均为级小于n的整函数且不同时恒为零 。

In this paper,we investigate the iterated order and iterated convergence exponent to zero sequence of the solutions of some classes of differential equations.


上一篇:translation of axes
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