approximation methods in physics

精品项目网 2024-05-16 22:47:34




1)approximation methods in physics,物理学中的逼近法


3)rational approximation method,有理逼近法

4)TOPSIS method,逼近理想解的排序法

5)TOPSIS(the approaching to the ideal point weight model),逼近理想点的赋权法

6)"the four outstanding founder",中国近代物理学


Some numerical methods such as, Pade rational approximation method,Marching and bidirectional beam propagation method which are used to solveHelmhotlz equation are compared in this paper.


Analyzing the main factors affecting the importance of the position,get the numerical value of the factors by Delphi method,get the factors weight by AHP method,and gives the sequencing criterions by using TOPSIS method.


上一篇:phasor quantity
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