property relations;property order

精品项目网 2024-05-17 03:21:56




1)property relations;property order,产权制度、产权关系

2)property right relationship,产权关系

3)property right relation,产权关系

4)property relation,产权关系

5)property right,产权关系

6)property rights relationship,产权关系


This paper probes into the present situation of and the problems existing in urban land use from three aspects of land expropriation policy, property right relationship and regional economy development.


In order to improve the regulatory regime of enterprises belonging to institutions of higher learing,it is necessary to make clear the property right relationship.


The issue of establishing new property right relation in university scientific and technological industry is discussed.


the reform of SMC does not seem to be successful, the author thinks, the reason can be summarized as the following three points: ownership worship hinders the reform; the present policy misleads it; confused and imperfect property right relation lands the reform in straits.

目前看来 ,供销合作社改革是不成功的 ,究其原因 ,主要有三点 :所有制崇拜使改革难以进行 ;指导方针的失误使改革步入误区 ;理不清与残缺的产权关系使改革陷入困境。

The main reason for the inefficiency in our financial institutions is the unclearness of financial property right relation under the traditional financial system.

我国金融业运行效率低下的制度原因, 在于传统金融制度安排下的金融产权关系不清。

For avoiding the trade s misplace and disputy after transaction, it is seemed necessary to research property relation and to make sure the right and duty between both sides.


In the socialization reform of university logistics, property relation and service price are the focal points that have a direct impact on the further development of universities and the improvement of service quality of university logistics.


Taking the point of view of system economics on externality of human behavior and its internalization,the paper discusses the process of externality of population behavior and its internalization from property right,decision participation and government behavior.

本文利用制度经济学关于人类行为外部性及外部性内在化的理论观点 ,联系我国实践 ,对人口行为的外部性及外部性内在化关系进行经济分析 ,并主要从产权关系、决策参与和政府行为三个方面探索了生育行为外部性内在化的途径。

In this paper, we discuss the signification and types of the property rights relationship among supply chain enterprises.


Applying the relevant theories of system economics,the author analyzed the property rights relationship and the corporation administrative structure of Chinese professional sport leagues and pointed out that the property rights relation of Chinese professional sport leagues is confusion,and the corporative property rights attach themselves to the political power.


According to available data,the study on the relationship among supply chain enterprises is quite mature,but the study on property rights relationship among supply chain enterprises has not formed the hierarchy system.


property relations; property order


Property Rights as a Relational Concept: A sociological approach;


The Innovation of Equity Institution is the Key to Build up Relations Tween Bank and Corporation;


The Legal Right Expressed by Land Property Right in China s Countryside;


Studies on the Ownership of Reform of Jiangsu Forestry Property Right System;


Discussion on the Relations Between the Quality and Use of Land and the Selection of Property System;


Analysis on the Property Right Relationship of Property Control System in a Stock Company;


The relationship between production and right in the promotion process of modern enterprise system in college industries;


Study on the relationship of intellectual property culture and intellectual property system--the dilemma of the intellectual property system angle of view


Enterprise governance is a system arrangement among property right bodies.


An Analysis of Property Right in Canceling Priority of Mining;


The Changes between Equity,Decision Right and the System of Farmland Property;


An EconomicAnalysis of the Relationship between the De?nition of Property Right and Output;


Research on the Relations between Our Government and Enterprises during the Reforming of Property Rights System;


Study on the reform to system of property rights in township enterprise;


On the Land Security and Current Farmland Property Right System;


The Theory Analysis on the Relationship between Financial Intellectual Property System and Finance Development;


Important Regulation of Production Relationship of Forestry--Reform in Forestry ownership System;


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