low phosphate and low NaOH water treatment technology

精品项目网 2024-05-17 12:17:19




1)low phosphate and low NaOH water treatment technology,电子探针微量分析

2)quantitative electron probe microanalysis,电子探针显微定量分析

3)electron probe microanalyser,电子探针显微量分析仪

4)electron probe microanalyzer,电子探针微量分析器

5)electron probe microanalyzer,电子探针微量分析仪

6)electron microscopy and electron probe X-ray microanalzer,电镜及电子探针X射线微量分析


In order to study the corrosion of carbon steel caused by the erosive anion with low phosphate and low NaOH water treatment technology,the total iron ions in the solution are determined through autoclave static experiments and by measuring the corrosion rate in different solution concentrations,and the surface analysis is done with electron probe.

为了研究低磷酸盐—低氢氧化钠水处理工艺下侵蚀性阴离子对碳钢的腐蚀 ,通过高压釜静态试验 ,计算在不同浓度下碳钢的腐蚀速度 ,测定溶液中总铁离子浓度以及对表面的 EPMA(Electron probe microanalysis,电子探针微量分析 )分析。

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