potassium adsorption ratio

精品项目网 2024-05-17 15:08:43




1)potassium adsorption ratio,钾吸附比率

2)PAR potassium-adsorption ratio,钾吸附比率

3)adsorption of K+ 2-,钾吸附

4)Potassium absorption,钾吸收

5)K~+ uptake,钾吸收

6)K uptake,钾吸收

7)Absorption and transport of potassium,钾吸收转运

8)Soil K + adsorption,土壤钾吸附

9)Velocity of potassium absorbing,钾吸附速度

10)N、P and K absorption,氮磷钾吸收


The relationship between potassium absorption and root parameters in root morphology and physiology among various genotypes of ramie (Boehmeria nivea L ) were studied by soil pot culture and solution culture.

结果表明 :吸钾能力强的基因型具有的特点是根量多 ,特别是细根多 ;根系总吸收面积及活跃吸收面积大 ;根系的吸收容量阳离子交换量 CEC较高 ;钾吸收动力学最大吸钾速率 Vmax较高 ,而米氏常数 Km相对较

Using a liquid culture system, in which a nutrient solution containing 1 mmol/L K was supplied to a 25 mm or 40 mm segment of the primary root while the remainder of the root system received a K free nutrient solution, effects of a local supply of K on root growth and K uptake rate were studied in maize (Zea mays L.

试验开始第3 天起,钾供应区的钾吸收速率明显加快。

上一篇:alkaline metasomatism
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