velours nickel

精品项目网 2024-05-18 00:25:47




1)velours nickel,诊断图

2)diagnosis chart,诊断图表

3)Group diagnosis chart,集团诊断图

4)last diagnosis chart,最终诊断图

5)Diagnostic Chart of Hail,冰雹诊断图

6)principal c,主成分诊断图


The component data of velours nickel plating solution in production were analyzed when the best result of the plating deposit obtained.


Satisfactory effect was achieved when using diagnosis chart and component index to diagnose whether component is sufficient or lack in plating solution for best result in production.


By defining the Group s testing edge and the absolute fault sets, the Group diagnosis chart is simplified ,so all the CFP of PMC model based on ex-test can be easily found even if the condition of the t-diagnosable isn t satisfied.

该文改进了基于互测PMC模型的系统级故障诊断集团算法的理论 ,通过定义集团测试边和绝对故障集 ,简化了集团诊断图 ,由此能较易地找到所有的基于互测PMC模型的相容故障模式 (即使不满足t-可诊断性 ) ,从而大大减少了系统级故障诊断的复杂度 ,尤其是对强t-可诊断系统。

This paper presents the theory of node grouping algorithms for the systemlevel fault diagnosis of the BGM model based on mutual testing, defines the absolute fault and last diagnosis chart, so all the consistent fault patterns (CFP) can be found, even if the condition of tdiagnosability is not satisfied.

本文提出了基于互测BGM故障模型的系统级故障诊断集团算法的理论,定义了绝对故障和最终诊断图,由此能找到所有基于互测BGM故障模型的相容故障模式,即使不满足t 可诊断性,也大大减少了系统级故障诊断的复杂度,尤其是对强t 可诊断系统。

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