精品项目网 2024-05-18 01:27:22





2)support of people,人和

3)support of the people,“人和”

4)man and nature,人和自然

5)the process of training inpiduals,人和培养

6)the unity of nature and mankind,天地人和

7)renhe town,人和镇

8)harmony between man and nature,天人和谐

9)harmony between heaven and man,天人和谐

10)personal harmony,个人和谐


The success of“psychological interview”,can be explained from three aspect:timeliness,favourable geographical position and support of people.


Both advantages and disadvantages are existing in the development process of Renhe town of Gaoming city.

高明市人和镇的产业发展既有不足 ,也有发展优势。

The important ideology of conforming to climate and protecting natural environment in Chang an culture is based on the concept of harmony between man and nature in Daoist culture of Dao Fa Zi Ran.


" Governance through timing embodies the survival principle of learning from nature and abiding by the law of nature and reflects the view of cosmos and value of "harmony between man and nature" of the ancient Chinese.


Since Emperor of Huang s advocate of "economizing water,firewood and substance material",Chinese traditional culture always embodied the view of "harmony between heaven and man",which played an active part in the sustenance and development of the Chinese nation and country.


Plato described the harmonious thoughts in detail,which can be summarized in the following three areas: personal harmony,soul harmony and social harmony.


上一篇:body rigid model
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