the technique and ability of social intercourse

精品项目网 2024-05-18 02:44:13




1)the technique and ability of social intercourse,社交技能

2)social skill training,社交技能训练

3)Work-related Social Skills Training,工作社交技能训练


5)social anxiety,社交焦虑

6)social status,社交地位


There is reciprocal effect and influence between the companion relation of children and the children s study achievements,social acts,family relation,the technique and ability of social intercourse and characters,the choice of social views.

儿童同伴关系与儿童的学业成绩、社会行为、家庭关系、社交技能以及气质、社会观点采择等的相互作用和影响 ,在儿童教育中应重视它们之间的交互作用。

Effect of social skill training on the social function in patients with chronic schizophrenia;


Effects of social skill training on social function for patients with schizophrenia;


The training of the postgraduate s ability in sociality and organization tends to be neglected nowadays.


College students social anxiety associated with stress and mental health;


Intervention impacts of group psychotherapy on social anxiety and self-esteem of medical college students;


Social anxiety and social support in patients with schizophrenia.;


Objective:To explore the characteristics of self-awareness and social anxiety in elementary school students with different social status.


上一篇:social ceremony and rites
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