delusional type

精品项目网 2024-05-18 06:25:40




1)delusional type,妄想型

2)paranoid form,妄想型

3)paranoid type,妄想型

4)crime of delusional type,妄想型犯罪

5)paranoid dementia,妄想型痴呆

6)paranoid grandiosity,妄想型夸大

7)paranoid jealousy,妄想型嫉妒

8)paranoid personality,妄想型人格

9)paraphrenic personality,妄想型人格



Objective:To explore the effect of false memory in schizophrenic patients and normal persons,and to test whether the false memory had correlation to delusion or hallucination.


Falun Gong Practitioners illusions about Li Hongzhi and their obsessing with the cult can be called "similarity delusional sub-cultural belief",which belongs to not only the category of psychiatry,but also the study field of mental hygiene.

“法轮功”痴迷者对李洪志的崇拜和对他散布的歪理邪说坚信不移 ,这种现象在精神医学上可称为一种“类妄想性亚文化信念 ,”它不仅属于精神病学的范畴而且也属于“精神卫生”的研究内容。

Results:Delusion of persecution were of most observation in the schizophrenics, while the delusion of grandeur was the major symptom in manic patients.

目的 :比较躁狂症与精神分裂症妄想特征及病理机制的差异。

上一篇:external attribution
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