Theory of original goodness of human nature

精品项目网 2024-05-18 08:46:59




1)Theory of original goodness of human nature,性善论

2)original goodness of human nature,性善论

3)the theory that man is kind-hearted by nature,性善论

4)Virtuous humanity thought,性善论

5)human affections,性善情恶论性善情恶论

6)theory of good and bad human nature,人性善恶论


Mencius s " theory of original goodness of human nature " and Xunzi s " theory of original evil of human nature " understand the humanity from different perspectives.


The theory of original goodness of human nature" is the important part of Mencius ideological system.

“性善论”是孟子思想体系中的重要部分 ,恻隐、羞恶、辞让和是非四心是其具体表现 ,孟子据此来划分“人”与“非人”,以人的社会属性来界定人的本质属性 ,具有相当的先进性 ,对人的本质属性的探讨作出了一定的贡献 ;但由于“性善论”是为维护封建伦理道德和统治阶级政权服务的 ,对于生活在封建社会最底层的劳动人民则是一种具有迷惑性和欺骗性的理

Liu Jianquan based upon the original goodness of human nature of Mencius,harmonized the thought co-operation between Tian and man of Confucianism and Taoism,through criticizing the mistake of gaozi about mixing up man and animal,criticized the social evolutionism,through criticizing the mistake of evil is one of the nature of human,and raised the ideals of the academy and the life.


Being the theoretical basis of Mencius\' Benevolent Theory,Original Goodness of Human Nature ideology had the fundamental function.


Mencius developed and reconstructed the Confucius human nature theory,and constructed the theory that man is kind-hearted by nature.


Virtuous humanity thought is the foundation of Mencius s morality cultivation theory.


In addition to a discussion of the theory of good and bad human nature,the paper explores the following four major issues.


The Original Meaning of Goodness--The Nature of Mengzi s Good in Nature Theory;


Recent understanding of Mencius’theory of original goodness of human nature--"Righteousness"and"nature";


Fromm s Theory of Good Nature and Its Comparison with the Theory of Mencius;


On Confucius "Man s Quality is Kind" and its Status in His Theory;


The Trend of Thought in Mencius’ Theory of Original Goodness of Human Nature;


Finally, on the subject of uman nature, confucius and Mencius believe that it is basically good, so they propose an internal refinement.


Nature of Goodness": A Guiding Conception.;


A Research on Mencius s Theory of Human Nature and Its Modern Value of Moral Education;


On the Significance of Mencius View of Good Nature of Human in the Contemporary Moral Construction;


Mencius s Theory of the "Inherent Goodness of Human Nature": Its Practical Significance to Today s Moral Education of Teenagers;


The Important Meanging of Performing Goodness in Mencius' Goodness


Human Nature:Good or Evil--On the Conception of Good and Evil of Kant s Moral Philosophy and His Theory of Human Nature;

性善乎 性恶乎——康德道德哲学之善恶概念及其人性论

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