
精品项目网 2024-05-18 13:16:55





2)special training,专门性练习

3)special problem,专门性问题

4)professional knowledge,专门性知识

5)special movement,专门性动作

6)special warming-up,专门性准备活动


He contributed most of the time and energy to education,and did much reflection on the traditional concept of teacher on the basis of his experience till he formed his unique concept of teacher:speciality of teachers vocation,democracy of the teachers concept,lifelongness of teachers education.


Regressing to the technique of the modern dash, the traditional dash special training still being considered as the means of improving the technique and developing the quality in teaching and training, actually, the action technique of which can not meet the requirements of modern dash art.

回归现代短跑技术,传统的短跑专门性练习作为教学、训练中改进技术和发展素质的手段,其动作方法 已不适应现代短跑技术的要求。

Criminal expert evaluation is the only way to solve the special problems in criminal procedure.


上一篇:central vision
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