Least Preference Co Worker Scale

精品项目网 2024-05-18 14:12:42




1)Least Preference Co Worker Scale,最不喜欢的共事者量表

2)Least Preference CoWorker Scale,最不喜欢的共事者量表

3)least of all,最不

4)most disadvantageous value,最不利值

5)the worst adverse point,最不利点


7)least advantaged,最不利者

8)the most unfavourable slide face,最不利滑面

9)worst angle,最不利角度

10)index circuit,最不利环路


Author point out that in the actual engineering the worst adverse point should be chose as constant pressure control point or make the pressure control point near the worst adverse point.

介绍了变频调速供水系统的基本组成和工作原理 ,分析了系统恒压控制点的位置与能耗的关系 ,明确指出了在实际工程中应优先选择最不利点为恒压控制点 ,或尽可能将压力控制点靠近最不利点 ,对于规模较小的供水管网 ,可将恒压控制点设在水泵出

This article indicates the limitation of worst-case method in digital system-timing design, and scientifically describes statistical method, which can be used in quantifying system-timing design, specially in critical system-timin


Rawls?ˉequality concept focused on ?°least advantaged?±.


The research purposes of this paper are to determine the location of the most unfavourable slide face.


Fuzzy analysis of an index circuit in fluid pipeline networks;


上一篇:Self-actualizing need
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