精品项目网 2024-05-18 14:24:27





2)general average,总平均数

3)general mean,总平均数

4)grand average,总平均数

5)General layout,总平面图

6)general plan,总平面

7)general plane,总平面

8)general layout,总平面

9)general layout plan,总平布置

10)Balance and integrate,汇总平衡


In light of the local climate and geography,an attempt to innovate the architectural design of Shuangshui Power Plant,is made;including site general plan,innovation unit design(building) and sight design.


m type dwell house,70 percent",this paper bring forward how to design middle and small type dwell house by paying attention to general plane design and unit building design,and emphasize that the architects ought to pay more attention to reducing nullity space in dwell house building and designing subtle the house by making the best of space.


The paper relates how to make the general plan design, how to dispose the relationship among existing facilities, current engineering, and extension engineering in the general layout design of extension item through engineering practice;and probes into the composition of performance pision, railroad in depot,loading truck way,and traffic lane in the design of architectural space and environment.


Basesd on the schemes,the further research of general layout、functional partition、environment space s treatment and vertical design ofgrain industrial architecture was also made.


上一篇:path toward self actualization
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