
精品项目网 2024-05-18 14:32:17





2)organization system,组织体系

3)organization system,组织体制

4)Organizing system,组织体系

5)organizational system,组织体系



Organization crime is that such organization as corporate, enterprise, government department and fellowship through its directors and governors or other membe.


Research on organization system of promoting energy efficiency retrofit of existing residential buildings in northern heating areas;


Construction of state-owned capital operation budget organization system;


Construction and interface management based on research and development organization system of big enterprises of autonomous innovation;


Then it points out how to form industrial organization system and principal in the bureau.

本文根据地勘单位由事业转为企业的需要 ,对贵州局现有产业优势和特点进行了分析 ,并提出如何构建该局的产业组织体制 ,以及在构建中应当坚持的原则。

One of interesting things is that the organization system of workers and staff members participation is not relatively changeable.


At present, the non-State-owned enterprises as an important part of our socialist market economy have grown rapidly It is an urgent task for the non-State-owned enterprises to form trade unions The organization system and operating mechanism of trade unions in these enterprises will have new characteristics and will bring new problems for trade union wor

在这些企业中工会的组织体制 ,运行方式都有新的特点 ,给工会工作带来了新的课题。

During the course of implementing power demand side management in China, we have made considerable achievement, but there are also a lot of obstacles in this process, such as no entire and effective management system, organizing system and operating system, no normative and entire incentive mechanism of DSM.


But the questions, such as the organizing system being imperfect, backwarding in technique, etc.


: This paper studies the enterprise information structure and it's organizing system under the network environment,and presents the frame of the enterprise information structure and the function and it's system of managemen


An analysis of the characteristics of change of Olympic organizational systems after World War II;


An Analysis on Theoretical Foundation and Elementary Frame of Organizational System of Modern Commerce & Trade Logistics Distribution;


Based on analysis the status-quo and problems of special forestry product industry development in Zhejiang province,conclude the forms of organizational system,far reaching probe the problems of current organizational system.


Combining with the practive of enterprises, the idea and method on estimation of enterprise organization system are investigated on the basis of the demands of "transforming the management mechanism of enterprise and establishing mordern system of enterprise.


上一篇:gross score
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