
精品项目网 2024-05-18 15:05:55








5)consciousness of sin,罪恶意识

6)humanity evil,人性罪恶


First,love is the most direct cause;secondly,they are heavily burdened with guilt: they want to escape from reality but are unable to shake off the existing social norms;and finally,they all live in a chaotic social environment during the restructuring of the society,and various social factors are interwoven into a giant network,by which they are trapped and are unab.


Views of Sin in Milton s Epics;


He tries to employ the skill of Romanticism to uncover a theme ----″sin″.


The absurd modern text implies old and distressed biblical prototype and many biblical words express the subject of sin-redemption.


Through hard self-atonement,this lost angel has entirely extricated herself out of evils and got her rebirth.


Wildness is not only the source of evils and dangers,but also the Eden of sexual desire where the flowers of civilization bloom.


You can find the inevitability through observing crazy lover changing into evil and Gatsby with evil seeking his lover crazily in real life.


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