coefficient of humus equivalence

精品项目网 2024-05-19 04:16:17




1)coefficient of humus equivalence,腐殖当量系数

2)humification coefficient,腐殖化系数

3)coefficient of humic acid stability,腐殖酸安全系数

4)coefficient of humus consumption,腐殖质消耗系数

5)coefficient of humus decrease,腐殖质减少系数

6)coefficient of humus increase,腐殖质增加系数


The study on the mineralization rate and humification coefficient of cake fertilizer in soil of tobacco field;


Study on decomposition and humification coefficient of organic fertilizer in arid region;


Humification coefficients and decomposition ratio of 7 sorts of organic matter,mineralization ratio of soil organic matter have then tested.


上一篇:saturation degree of calcium
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