Split Plot

精品项目网 2024-05-19 06:11:10




1)Split Plot,裂区

2)split-split plot,裂裂区

3)Split plot design,裂-裂区设计

4)microcracktip zone,裂端微裂区

5)regional fracture,区域裂缝

6)crack area,裂隙区


The Design and Analysis of Main Plot Two way Block on Two Factors Split Plot Experiment;


The split-split plot design with three factors and three levels was employed to study the effect of different treatments with different application rates of phoshorus potassium and plant growth retardant(PP_333) on the substances of osmotic adjustment of the tall fescue.

采用了裂裂区设计,以耐热较强的冷季型草坪草高羊茅(Festuca arundinecea Schreb。

The split-split plot design with three factors and three levels was employed to study the influence of different treatments with different phoshorus,potassium,plant growth retardant(PP333) applicated rates on heat resistance of Festuca arundinecea cv.

采用三因素三水平裂裂区试验设计,2004年夏季在草坪试验基地研究磷钾肥和多效唑对高羊茅Fes-tuca arundinacea越夏性的影响。

The split-split plot design with three factors and three levels was employed to study the effect of different treatments with different levels of phoshorus,potassium,plant growth retardant(PP_(333)) on the relationship between the changes in the substances of antioxidant(carotenoids,total phenols and flavonoid) and chlorophyll an.

采用了裂裂区设计,以耐热较强的冷季型草坪草高羊茅(Festuca arundineceaSchreb。

One is NW direction of strike,which is regional fracture formed by NW directional regional stress field,the others are NE a.


according to the similitude law of blast and the equations of shock wave in water , this paper searched the bore wall pressure of bore water coupling charge structure and established rocky dynamical stress field under the function of blasting load ,and then obtained the crack area radius , the pulverizing area radius and the best uncoupling coefficient of bore water coupling charge in theory.


Based on exploding dynamics theory, the scope of smash area, crush area and crack area, which is shaped under the action of a blast wave and stress wave resulting from the explosion of cartridge bag, is studied .


For calculating radius of pulerizing area and crack area convenience, and conforms to engineering practice.


Surgery Treatment of Peri-sylvian Area Contusion of Brain and Vein Injury


Surgical treatment through pterional approach amplification for sylvian fissure contusion of brain


Analysis of 54 Cases of Brain Injury in the Lateral Fissure Part


The Design and Analysis of Main Plot Two way Block on Two Factors Split Plot Experiment


Optimizing fracture geometry to improve hydrofracturing stimulation effect in Jianghan Oil Region;

优化压裂裂缝型态 提高江汉油区压裂增产效果

blanket to total fission


The fracture in studied area can he pided into diagenetic micro-facture, weathering fracture and structural fracture.


Through rupture segmentation study along main faults, rupture units of large earthquakes are also identified in the region.


Fracture criterion for mixed mode crack of composites based on the crack tip plastic zone


Study on hydrofracturing technology for low permeability fractured reservoirs in Jianghan Oil Region;


Multi-scale Analysis of Mechanical Properties on Fracture Process Zone


Influence of fatigue crack tip plastic zone on crack propagation behavior in TC4ELI alloy


Study of Causes of Hydraulic Concrete Cracking and Its Prevention Measures in Plain Area


Fracture Toughness and Failure Curve of 22NiMoCr3-7 Steel in Ductile-Brittle Transition Range


Formation Mechanism and Prevention of Center and Triangle-Zone Cracks in Continuous Cast Slabs


Deformation and Fractue of Micro─Zone Adjacent to Interface in Steels ──Ⅱ─Deformation and Fracture in Region Adjacent to Interface between Phases


rhegmatic pattern


A core was removed from this area so that the crack surfaces could be examined.


上一篇:spiral feed mixer
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