water stable aggregate

精品项目网 2024-05-19 08:16:54




1)water stable aggregate,水稳性团聚

2)Water-stable aggregates,水稳性团聚体

3)Water-stable aggregate,水稳性团聚体

4)water stable aggregate,水稳性团聚体

5)waterstable aggregate,水稳性团聚体

6)Soil aggregate distribution,土壤水稳性团聚体分布

7)Soil water-stable aggregates,土壤水稳性团聚体

8)Water stable aggregate content,水稳性团聚体含量

9)cement stability,水稳



Effects of land use change on light fractions of organic carbon in soil water-stable aggregates;


In order to assess the impacts of land use change on soil organic carbon(SOC),the contents of SOC of water-stable aggregates of surface soil samples(0~10 cm,10~20 cm)at a natural forest of Altingia gracilipes and a plantation of Chinese fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata) were investigated in Wanmulin Nature Reserve of Jianou city,Fujian Province,China.

研究福建省建瓯市万木林自然保护区内,细柄阿丁枫(Altingia gracilipes)天然林及杉木(Cunning-hamia lanceolata)人工林不同土层土壤团聚体有机碳质量比与有机碳贮量的关系,探讨土地利用变化对土壤水稳性团聚体有机碳的影响。

PAM,β-cyclodextrin,water super absorbent polymer,and humic acid,were used and trained in soil column to study the effects of modifiers on soil water-stable aggregates in Aeolian Sandy land.

25 mm水稳性团聚体的形成,在低浓度(0。

Distribution of water-stable aggregates and aggregate-associated C in black soil in Northeast China;


A study of different conservation tillage measures was conducted in Lijiabu town of Dingxi city,Gansu province on semi-arid area of the west Loess Plateau,by which effects of tillage measures on mechanical-stable aggregates,water-stable aggregates,stability coefficient and soil organic carbon in soil layer of 0~5 cm,5~10 cm,10~30 cm was determined.

在位于黄土高原西部半干旱区定西市李家堡镇设置不同保护性耕作试验,对不同麦-豆轮作次序下0~5cm,5~10 cm,10~30 cm土壤机械稳定性团聚体和水稳性团聚体组成、团聚体稳定系数及土壤总有机碳含量进行了测定。

25 mm water-stable aggregate(WSA) took on a falling trend with the enhancing of erosion degree,but the dispersing percent of aggregate(PAD) went up.

以3种侵蚀红壤(轻度、中度、严重)为供试材料,利用干湿筛法获得其不同粒径的水稳性团聚体(>4 mm,2~4 mm,1~2 mm,0。

Dynamics of water stable aggregate in land degradation/restoration process of Ziwuling forest farm;


Contents of water stable aggregate in the casts were related to the microbial properties.


A typical rolling farmland in the Black Soil region of Northeast China was selected in a case study to analyze impact of soil erosion and deposition on the loss,transportation and accumulation of soil organic carbon(SOC) in topsoil by measuring particulate organic carbon(POC),composition of water stable aggregates of different sizes and contents of associated carbon in different slope positions.


The changes of soil water-stable aggregates in abandoned lands during vegetation restoration in hilly and gully regions on the Loess Plateau;


In order to study the effect of slime-forming bacteria on the formation of soil water-stable aggregates(WSA), the bacteria were isolated from some samples according to the slime production and effect of their fermentation on the fo.


Dodecylbenzyl chloride was synthesized using main-catalyst of moisture-stable N(C2H5)3HCl-2ZnCl2ionic liquid and phase-transfer-catalyst of cationic Gemini surfactants Gm-s-m(wheresis the spacer length andmthe tail length in hydrocarbon groups).


上一篇:rearing centre
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