Adaptation of human body to natural environment

精品项目网 2024-05-19 16:03:58




1)correspondence between man and universe,天人相应

2)Adaptation of human body to natural environment,天人相应

3)the theory of human-environmental inter relation,天人相应论

4)similarity between human and nature,天人相类

5)Unking-up of human and nature,天人相通

6)cross reference of human and nature,天人相参


Formal method of correspondence between man and universe in TCM theoretical modeling


New theory of senility period network of light-MT biosignal transduction(PNLMBT) was put forward to and explained for the first time in this article based on TCM theory of correspondence between man and universe senility, and other senility theories, together with the study of period network of light and biosignal transduction.


Life theory,vital essence,vital qi and correspondence between man and universe are concept of nature science, not concept of ancient chinese philosophy.

认为中医学应属于融入人文社会科学知识的自然科学的范畴 ;中医学是医学 ,不是自然哲学 ;中医学的生命学说、精气概念及天人相应观具有自然科学属性 ,与中国古代哲学或宗教的生命本原说、精气学说及天人相应观有着本质的区

"Adaptation of human body to natural environment"is one of the most important theories in Inner Canon of Huangdi(Huangdi Nei Jing).


The Idea of Correspondence between Man and Nature in Huangdi Emperor s Internal Classic and Organic_ Systematic Philosophy;


Formal method of correspondence between man and universe in TCM theoretical modeling


From Heaven Corresponding to Explore the Relevance of upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Laws


Theoretical and Clinical Study on Human-Environmental Inter Relation of Liujing Qihua Theory;


Comment on the Relationship Between Nature and Human from the Angle of "the Unity of Heaven and Man" and "the Distinctiveness of Heaven and Man";


unseasonable weather.


It was decreed that we should meet.


but to be fully justified.


A man may have acquaintances all over the world, but very few true friends.

相交满天下, 知心能几人。

Friends like you come along once in a life time.


One's acquaintances may fill the empire, But one's real friends can be But few


"You don't know who you're talking to. You should always be careful about who you trust online."


A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday. --Alexander Pope


Both of us in misfortune go from shore to shore; meeting now, need we have known each other before?


The effects of relativity on a lot of subjects in astrometry have been discussed and applied in reduction of data.


A Study on XUNZi s Thought of the Unity of Heaven and Man;


Two days prior to guest's arrival, Reservation Manager should print out a list of Airport Pick-up Request from computer and check against the completed Limousine Request form.


Taoism is the indigenous traditional religion in China,and its doctrine emphasizes that human should get along harmoniously with nature. That is "harmony between human and nature".


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