dispersing lung qi for lowering adverse qi

精品项目网 2024-05-20 00:07:05




1)dispersing lung qi for lowering adverse qi,宣肺降逆

2)Lung controlling dispersing outwards and inwards,肺主宣降

3)Xuanjiang Feiqi mixture,宣降肺气方

4)Induce and descend lung method,宣肺降气法

5)Xuanqing Jiangni therapy,宣清降逆法

6)the Soup of Lowering Adorers Qi of Lung,降肺平逆汤


Objective: To observe the curative efficacy of Xuanjiang Feiqi mixture(XJFQM,宣降肺气方) combined with western medicine(WM) for acute seizure phase of chronic cor pulmonale.

目的 :探讨宣降肺气方结合西药对慢性肺源性心脏病 (肺心病 )急性发作期的疗效。

Objective The aim of this study is to primarily assess the effectiveness of KECHUANQING Mixture in curing the patients who suffered from cor pulmonale and were in the acute phase ,compared with that of aminophylline and bromhexine , and thus to discuss the function of Induce and descend lung method in the treatment of these patients.


The Research of the Relativity between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases and Lung's Function of Controlling Dispersing Outwards and Inwards.


For example, the lung governs respiration, exhaling pertains to exiting, inhaling to entering; and dispersing pertains to ascending, lowering to descending.


anastomosis between aorta and pulmonary artery


The dispersing and deseending functions of the lung help the large intestine to perform its transporting task.


Theoretical Inquiring and Path-physiological Study on the Dispersing Function of the Lung Qi;


We go to worship the Savior, who even now is born in Bethlehem. God has made his will known.


The surrender knelled the downfall of the tyrant.


As soon as he began to recite the Quran and to preach the truth which God had revealed to him, he and his small group of followers suffered persecution from unbelievers.


The Expression of PAH-DNA Adducts in Lung Tissues of Xuanwei Female Lung Cancer Patients;


One is to educate people about tuberculosis.


Study of HLA-A*02 Allele High Resolution in Yunnan Xuanwei Lung Carcinoma;


Epidemiological Analysis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Xuancheng City in 1999~2008


To engage in propaganda for(a doctrine or cause).


A drive for cost reduction is announced.


The "unconditional surrender" formula was announced by the President and the Prime Minister.


The chairman declared the meeting adjourned .


The chairman declared the discussion closed.


The chairman announced the debate to be closed.


上一篇:flow detector
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