generation,automatic test pattern (ATPG)

精品项目网 2024-05-21 02:41:31




1)generation,automatic test pattern (ATPG),自动化测试模式产生

2)automatic test pattern generation (ATPG),自动测试模式产生

3)automatic test pattern generation(ATPG),自动化测试模式生成

4)automatic test program generator,自动测试程式产生器


6)automatic test pattern generation,自动测试模式生成


The theorem and conditions on identifying undetectable faults can be acquired by applying combinational ATPG to ILA in sequential circuits; and the conditions are given for faulty circuit.


This paper introduces fault model and design flow of the ATPG (automatic test pattern generation) techniques, which are utilized to test RSIC CPU manufacturing defects along with DFT(design for test) technology.

介绍了自动测试模式生成的测试故障模型和设计流程,以及自动测试模式生成结合可测性设计技术在测试RSIC CPU制造缺陷中的应

The goal of Automatic Test Pattern Generation(ATPG) is to reduce generation time and improve quality of test pattern, and the two key steps of ATPG are generation and optimization of test pattern set.


上一篇:discharge automatically
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