video in

精品项目网 2024-05-21 23:23:52




1)video in,视讯输入

2)video input,视讯输入

3)composite video input,复合视讯输入

4)Video Communication,视讯


6)video information platform,视讯平台

7)video conferencing,视讯会议

8)Video conference,视讯会议

9)Video-information system,视讯系统

10)video-information system standard,视讯标准


The Operation Strategy of Fujian Unicom s Video Communications Business;


This paper presents the design project for establishing video information platform of long-distance maintenance support system, which is between the long-distance command harmony spot, the long-distance harmony maintainability experts spot, the mobile maintainability technique support spot, and the warship spot.


323-based video conferencing system is closely related to the architecture of gatekeeper(GK).


This article simply introduces Microsoft Exchange 2000 confer en cing server,advantage introduction,using control network and system resource,ins tallation technology and conference set of video conferencing function.

简单介绍MicrosoftExchange 2 0 0 0ConferencingServer所具有的优点 ,控制网络和系统资源的使用 ,安装技术和视讯会议的会议设

With the development of computer networks and multimedia communications, video conferencing is applied more widely, and it has good prospects for the development and research value.


The video conference service moves from the private network to the masses running provided by carrier gradually.


上一篇:end User License Agreement
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