neutron source multiplication method

精品项目网 2024-05-22 08:10:03




1)neutron source multiplication method,源倍增法

2)Adding Doubling,倍增法

3)inverse adding-doubling method (IAD),逆倍增法(IAD)

4)timing the difference of frequency method,频差倍增法

5)Fringe multiplication method,条纹倍增法

6)inverse adding-doubling algorithm,逆倍增算法


The paper concernes in the neutron source multiplication method research in nuclear critical safety.


The paper introduces three methods to measure the stabilization of short-term frequency:beating method,mixing two frequency method,timing the difference of frequency method,and the method to deal with the data,and on the base of beating method and timing the difference of frequency method,bringing a new method,to advance the precision.


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