Temperature,Humidity,Smoke Density

精品项目网 2024-05-22 08:10:23




1)Temperature,Humidity,Smoke Density,温度值,湿度值,烟雾浓度

2)smoke concentration,烟雾浓度

3)threshold of temperature and humidity,温湿度阈值

4)smoke rating,排烟浓度额定值

5)concentration threshold,浓度阈值

6)ratio concentration,比值浓度


Experiments demonstrate that scatter light is increased with the increase of smoke concentration in a given scale; that scatter light has to do with its wavelength, there being an optimal scatter light wavelength; and that with the change of Smoke concentration, scatter light manifests three character regions.

<正> 目前,国内公安消防部门在烟雾浓度测试时,规定使用某地生长的有一定干燥度的核桃壳,适当处理后在特定装置内进行不充分燃烧,以此作为烟源进行烟雾浓度的测量。

The experimental results show that four kinds of ocean tiny algae s chlorophyll contents continuously decrease with the ratio concentration of hydroxyl radical increasing.


Investigation of Environmental Smoke Concentration in Public Places Without Smoking Ban


Design of a Smoke Concentration Measurement System Based on Light Extinction Method


a shroud of fog, smoke, etc

一片浓雾、 烟雾等

Effects of tobacco smoke on indoor airborne particles


Heavy, dark, or dense, as smoke or fog.


The newly-developed smog alarm system will trigger the alarm once smoke or fog reaches certain degree.


2 swelling mass(eg of smoke or fog)like a wave


the density of a forest, the fog, etc

森林的密度、 雾的浓度.

(of a vapour or the atmosphere)not clear; dense


The smoke grew heavier and thicker till it looked like a great fog.


He gaped vaguely at the thick haze in the distance.


I won't go out as long as there is heavy smog.


The thick smoke made it hard for people to breathe.


When it was over, more than 4,000 people had been killed by the thick black smog.


thick fog, mist, cloud

浓雾、 重雾、 密云

The sun shines through smoke from shelling in the besieged Nahr el-Bared refugee camp near Tripoli in Lebanon.


a bomb that gives off thick smoke when it explodes; used to make a smoke screen or to mark a position.


The mist was so thick that visibility was down to only ten metres.


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