main thread

精品项目网 2024-05-22 15:27:08




1)main thread,主执行绪

2)primary thread,主执行绪

3)democratic governance,民主执政

4)democratic ruling,民主执政

5)democratic administration,民主执政

6)democratic governing,民主执政

7)Ruling through Democracy,民主执政

8)chief executive officer(CEO),主执行官

9)CPC's democratic ruling,中共民主执政

10)idea of governing democratically,民主执政理念民主执政体制


The precondition of constructing the operational system of democratic governance of the Chinese Communist Party is to establish the scientific governable concept and adhere to the correct guiding principles.


From the scientific governance, the democratic governance, and the legal governance, this paper analyzes the hardship consciousness during the current construction of the Party’s ability of governance and probes into the countermeasures of strengthening the hardship consciousness, enhancing the construction of the Party’s ability of governance so as to construct the socialist harmonious society.


The Party adopted "scientific governance、democratic governance、legal governance"mode in The Fourth Plenary Session of The Sixteenth Central Committee.


It includes most nuclear ruling ideas such as democratic ruling,ruling in accordance with law and ruling for the people,etc.


It is decided by the nature of the Chinese Communist Party that sticks to democratic ruling.


The ruling style of the western countries is manifested in the forms as separation of party and government based on the pisions of powers, democratic ruling, shift of power, and indirect ruling.

西方国家实行的是三权分立下的党政分开、民主执政、更迭轮替、间接执政的执政方式 ;以前苏联为代表的社会主义国家则实行党政不分、以党代政 ,民主缺失、直接执政的执政方式。

Within 50 years,Chinese Communist Party has been in the administrative notion of constant probe,innovation and self development,from democratic new route was mentioned to "great democracy" wrong thought was practiced, and again to the mention of running country legally and democratic administration.


Scientific administration, democratic administration and legal administration have abundant connotation.


The CCP s democratic administration theory is the supplement and development for the Marxist democratic theory and the important component of the socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics.


The guiding thought of scientific governing and democratic governing and governing by law,raised in the 4~(th) session of the 16~(th) National Congress of CPC,has fundamentally solved the problems to how to govern and what to be depended upon.


"Triangular Organization" Regime is a form of democratic governing created and led by the Chinese Communist Party in the Anti-Japanese War period.


About Ruling through Democracy as the Dominant Trend of Transformation of Ruling Patters;


Ruling for the people, ruling through democracy and ruling by law constitute the core of DENG Xiao-ping,s administrative thinking and these form a coherent and unified ideological system.


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