on board endorsement bill of lading

精品项目网 2024-05-24 03:50:28




1)on board endorsement bill of lading,已装运背书提货单

2)Board Bill of Lading,已装运提单On

3)on board bill of lading,已装运提单

4)Endorse a bill of lading.,背书提单。

5)on board endorsement,已装船背书

6)indorsement of mate's receipt,收货单背书


Is it enough that we can have an onboard bill of lading to claim a settlement?


Be it enough that we have an on-board bill of lading to claim a settlement?


We'll send you two sets of the Shi ed, Clean Bill of Lading.


The ship-owner has issued a clean on board bill of lading.


An on board bill of lading indicates that the goods have been actually loaded on board of the carrying vessel bound for the port of destination.

(4) 已装船提单表明货物已实际装上开往目的港的承运船只。

Enclosed here be three original and two copy of clean - on - board bill of lading marked y freight prepay k .


Documents:Full set negotiable clean on Board ocean B/L in 3 copies. Signed commercial invoice in 3 copies; Packing list/weight memo in 3 copies;


shpd. [shipped ]


"Three (3) originals and three (3) duplicate copies of clean on Board ocean Bill of Lading made out to order, Blank endorsed, notifying__and marked "FREIGHT PREPAID"

全套清洁、已装船、空白抬头、空白背书、通知并注明运费已付的海运 提单正、副本各三份;

If a bill of lading has already been issued, it shall be returned by the shipper to the carrier.


A document indicates that the goods have been dispatched, taken in charge or loaded on Board.


This is to certify that two copies of Invoice、 Packing List and N/ N Bill of Lading have been airmailed direct to applicant immediately after shipment effected.


Is it enough that we have an onboard bill of lading to claim a settlement?


C: Parking list in triplicate indicating goods name and quantity .


We inform you that we is send by the"vase"the undermentioned goods and enclose a copy of the b/l for same.


"Full set clean shipped on board Bills of Lading marked Freight Prepaid made out to order Bank of China and endorsed in blank, notifying Buyer."


I have received a bill of lading for fifty bales cotton by that vessel.


If the goods are not shipped within two weeks, we ask you to consider the order as cancelled.


上一篇:setpoint voltage
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