tanker (or tank) vessel

精品项目网 2024-05-27 08:05:46




1)tanker (or tank) vessel,油轮,液货船

2)tank vessel (or tanker),油轮,液货船

3)Oil tanker,油轮

4)oil tank,油轮


6)tanker ship,油轮

7)fuel tanker,油轮

8)oil carrier,油轮

9)oil ship,油轮

10)cargo tanker,油轮


The Automatic Research on Handling System of Oil Tanker;


The analysis shows that the fatigue strengthen requirement of JTP is more strict and the adoption of the JTP can ensure the necessary fatigue strength of oil tanker.


Anti-grounding design of oil tanker is very important to prevent oil spill and protect sea circumstance.


The chlorides' distribution of oil tanks' balancing water is introduced;the feasibility of applying the water containing chlorides on removing the coal dust of ports is studied;and from the quality of Datong Coal,Shenhua Coal and Pingshuo Coal,the effects of chlorides of the coal on the coal quality is discussed as well.


The single point moored (SPM) tanker has the advantages of a high flexibility, a good economic efficiency and early operation, which makes it become the main equipment in the early production of offshore oilfields.

分析了引起海上单点系泊油轮纵荡、横荡、升沉、纵摇、横摇和平摇 6个自由度运动的原因 ,讨论了油轮各个自由度运动对油轮上设备正常工作的影响。

Based on the research practice for many years, the hold cleaning sewage treatment technological process for tankers, which has high efficiency, reliable operation and reasonable economy, was designed and researched.


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