Law of the Place of Performence of Debt

精品项目网 2024-05-27 20:11:00




1)Law of the Place of Performence of Debt,债务履行地法

2)Debt Performance,债务履行

3)performance of obligations,履行债务

4)nonperformance of obligation,债务不履行

5)default of obligation,不履行债务

6)performance obligation,履行义务的债务


liability for nonperformance of an obligation


The district attorney processed against the defaulting debtor.


Any additional expense incurred by the obligee due to the obligor’s early performance shall be borne by the obligor.


Any additional expense incurred by the obligee due to the obligor's partial performance shall be borne by the obligor.


Upon performance by the obligor, the deposit shall be set off against the price or refunded to the obligor.


In other words, if the debtor fails to settle a debt, the bank will cover it.


An obligee may reject the obligor’s partial performance, except where such partial performance does not harm the obligee’s interests.


The obligee may reject the obligor’s early performance, except where such early performance does not harm the obligee’s interests.


Article72 Right to Reject Partial Performance; Exception An obligee may reject the obligor's partial performance, except where such partial performance does not harm the obligee's interests.


Article71 Right to Reject Early Performance; Exception The obligee may reject the obligor's early performance, except where such early performance does not harm the obligee's interests.


To protect the creditor, should default in payment be made by the debtor, security will often be required for the loan.


If the party required to perform first rendered non-conforming performance, the party who is to perform subsequently is entitled to reject its corresponding requirement for performance.


If the other party rendered non-conforming performance, one party is entitled to reject its corresponding requirement for performance.


performance obligations


Fulfillment of the terms of something, such as a debt or promise.


Where the parties owe performance toward each other and there is an order of performance, prior to performance by the party required to perform first, the party who is to perform subsequently is entitled to reject its requirement for performance.


proceeded against the defaulting deBtor.


default on $600 million in loans

不履行 [拖欠] 六亿美元的债务

上一篇:supercharger selector valve
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