stow away from heat

精品项目网 2024-05-28 13:32:21




1)stow away from heat,远离热源

2)Keep away from sources of ignition.,请远离火源

3)High-temperature thermal ion source,热电离源

4)discrete heat sources,离散热源

5)thermionic ion source,热离子源

6)beta-teletherapy source,β远距离治疗源


The conjugated convection-conduction heat transfer from a vertical steel plate with discrete heat sources simulating the heating pipes of the wrapped-type heat exchanger is investigated experimentally and numerically.


Heat convection in the two-dimensional rectangle enclosure with asymmetric discrete heat sources are investigated numerically, and drew the conclusions that there are three ways to break off the linkage between the strong and the weak heat source, which are adding adiabatic partition in the enclosure, setting the cold air curtain and adopting cold air impinging jet.


In this paper the natural convective heat transfer in a rectangle cavity was discussed and the cavity has five discrete heat sources on the vertical wall.

本文对顶部散热的矩形空腔内某一竖侧壁上存在有 5个离散热源时的自然对流换热问题求出了数值解。

Keep cylinders away from external sources of heat. Cylinders are not designed for temperatures in excess of 125 f (52 c).

使钢瓶远离热源。钢瓶的温度不能超过125°F (52°C)。

The place to put the ODF should be stable and reliable and far away from heat.

(1) 机房内光缆成端ODF架安放位置要稳定可靠,远离热源。

We're looking for two heat sources in close proximity, in remote areas of the basement.

我们的目标是地下室远端 两个距离很近的热源

Keep cylinders protected from excessive temperatures by storing them away from radiators or other sources of heat.


The produt need to aviod weather-beaten and bumping with sharpener, and be far away high temperature heat sourcing.


STEPS (Solar Thermionic Electrical Power System)


Store in a cool, well– ventilated area: keep away from ignition sources, heat and flame. store in a tightly closed container. incompatibilities; oxidants and food.


Always refuel your generator outside away from any source of ignition.


Good: Plant situated away from natural or manmade sources of contamination.


Performance Measurement of ~(60)Co Teletherapy Source in Equipment at the Users


Ask Space for Power--how far does space-based solar power(SSP) from us


Present Condition and Long-term Planning of Geothermal Resources Exploitation Yantai City


Research and Implementation of Ground-Source Heat Pump Remote Monitor System Based on WebAccess


And there's a me-chanical structure for the check source to be remotely operated from a control ecntre.


The beam does not spread out appreciably, even at large distance from the source.


Developing Distance Education Should Fully Utilize Resources of Radio & TV Universities;


Water-source heat pump combined with water thermal storage air conditioning system for Wuhan Zhengyuan Railroad Electricity Limited Company R & D Center


at long [short, close] range

在远 [近] 距离

上一篇:jar ram moulding machine
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